Pain management has been proven to be an important tool for a patient’s fast recovery. It is, therefore, one of our main concerns.
Following the most up-to-date procedures, we draw up an appropriate pain management plan for each individual animal.
Anaesthesia has also come a very long way; with ever-growing confidence in modern anaesthetics, we are able to anaesthetise animals in the safest possible way.
The team
Our team has an integrated view of veterinary medicine and is made up of the best professionals. We are always ready to help your friend and companion.
Veterinary services
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, always with the highest standards of veterinary medical care.
Our tips
We consider the constant improvement of animal care and well-being to be our legacy.
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, always with the
highest standards of veterinary medical care.